The Skyball Beach Volleyball Club team would like to invite you to our first club’s AGM to review the past year and plan the next one!
If you are free, join us on:
5th January 2019
14:00 – 16:00
Athletics Pavilion, Sport Centre, University of York, James Way, Heslington, YORK, YO10 5NA
There are many roles that you can run for to be involved in the the only beach volleyball club in North of England, if you would like to know more please click here or for more information email
1. Welcome and Attendance
2. Reports from officers
- Chairwoman’s report
- Secretary’s report
- Financial report
- Event coordinator
3. Elections of officers
- Chairperson
- Secretary
- Treasurer
- Event coordinator
- Event support staff
- Head coach (1x) and beach volleyball coach
- Resources lead
- Welfare officer
- Sponsorship coordinator
- Website and social media officer
- PR officer
- Skyball ambassadors (more roles available)
For full role description please click here
4. Training and events planning for 2019
5. Courts development plan
6. Any other business
7. Date of AGM 2020